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As a community action agency, we recognize the results that can be achieved when every facet of the community voluntarily joins together in a partnership to address common concerns.

Listed below are all of the programs that PLCCA provides under the umberella of the Supportive Services & Program Services Division.

Food Program

PLCCA participates in the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program which serves nutritious meals to the children in our early childhood educational programs. As well as middle school students in our after school programs. The agency also provides meals to all eligible community members during the summer months.

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

The low income home energy assistance program (LIHEAP) provides financial assistance to qualified low-income individuals. The assistance is used to help qualified individuals pay past-due gas and electric bills.

Financial Literacy

Learn about budgeting, credit, opening a checking and/or savings account and related topics. Classes will be scheduled as needed.

Job Readiness

A course paired with computer classes offers resume writing, interviewing techniques, email fundamentals and instruction on how to apply for employment on the internet. This course also teaches financial education and life skills.


Solar Installer Certification Program

CEDA Weatherization uses state-of-the-art technology to make your home safer and more energy efficient. The weatherization program is available for single-family homes and multi-family buildings. Weatherization is performed free of charge for income-qualifying single-family households. Multi-family buildings require a contribution from landlords.

Prepares Trainee for a North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners

Certification Exam and obtain entry level positions in the solar energy industry.

  • Solar Craft Trainee Pre-Apprenticeship & Apprenticeship Program with IBEW local 134

  • Computer Literary  state of the art lab for adults


Support our Supportive Services and Program Services today!

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